The digital landscape has seen rapid advancements in technology over the past few years, with augmented reality (AR) being one of the most significant innovations. Augmented reality has quickly found its way into numerous industries, with e-commerce being a notable beneficiary. If you're running an online store on WooCommerce, integrating AR could redefine the shopping experience for your customers, leading to higher engagement, conversions, and loyalty.

The Power of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a technology that superimposes computer-generated images on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. It allows customers to interact with products virtually, giving them a more realistic perspective. This technology can bring your WooCommerce online store to life by allowing customers to virtually "try on" products, view them in their own space, and get a better understanding of the product dimensions and details.

Benefits of Using AR in Your WooCommerce Store

Enhanced Customer Experience: AR gives customers a "try before you buy" experience, which can significantly enhance their shopping journey. They can visualize how a product would look or fit in their environment, reducing the uncertainty that often comes with online shopping.

- Increased Conversion Rates: By providing a more interactive shopping experience, AR can help reduce purchase hesitation and boost conversion rates. Studies have shown that customers are more likely to buy a product if they can try it first, even virtually.

- Reduced Returns: AR can help customers make more informed decisions about their purchases, reducing the likelihood of returns. By seeing how a product fits into their lives before purchasing, customers are less likely to be dissatisfied with their purchases.

- Competitive Advantage: Not all businesses have adopted AR yet, so integrating it into your WooCommerce store can give you a competitive edge. It can help position your brand as forward-thinking and customer-centric.

Implementing AR in Your WooCommerce Store

Implementation of AR in your WooCommerce store will require either the use of plugins or custom development. Several AR plugins are available for WooCommerce, such as "WP VR View" and "AR for WordPress". However, the capabilities of these plugins may be limited, so for more complex AR functionalities, you may need to hire a developer or a development team.

Additionally, you may want to consider partnering with AR platforms like ARitize, which offer comprehensive solutions for integrating AR into e-commerce platforms.

Top Solutions for Augmented Reality With Woocommerce

Augmented Reality (AR) plugins for WooCommerce can greatly enhance the shopping experience on your ecommerce site by allowing customers to view 3D models of products in their own environment, all within the browser, on both iOS and Android devices. These plugins can be incredibly easy to use and feature-rich.


While not a plugin, this is the most powerful and yet affordable Augmented Reality tool to help you implement AR technologies into your e-commerce store at a very high level. Typically, quality AR solutions cost anywhere from $50,000-$200,000 to custom build into your website. Other plugin alternatives are cheaper versions that allow very low def versions of AR tech.

This is where CSCONNECT closes the gap between cost and quality. Here is what it can do:

CSCONNECT is an immersive experience marketing platform that enables e-commerce businesses to create and launch augmented reality (AR) and shoppertainment campaigns without any coding. The platform supports various activation methods such as AR, QR codes, NFC chip-set, and API tokens, allowing businesses to effectively communicate and convert customers.

The platform enhances customer engagement at multiple touchpoints. It enables interactive advertising at points of sale, educates customers about product features at home, and provides immersive experiences and tutorials anywhere, anytime. The platform also allows businesses to offer virtual try-ons, showcase products in 3D, authenticate products, and provide post-sale support and replenishment.

CSCONNECT immersive marketing

CSCONNECT includes an integrated suite of mobile marketing tools for building and launching immersive mobile marketing campaigns. The suite offers a wide range of features like web and mobile AR, custom QR design, NFC, a content editor, templates, a white-label app, a campaign builder, a dashboard, CTAs, workflow automation, APIs, and A/B testing capabilities.

The platform also provides precise and frictionless analytics, giving businesses real-time, actionable insights from customer engagement actions and product interactions. This helps businesses optimize their campaign performance through A/B testing.

In summary, CSCONNECT offers a comprehensive solution for ecommerce businesses to create engaging, interactive, and immersive shopping experiences for their customers, enhancing their overall brand storytelling and marketing efforts

AR for WooCommerce

This plugin allows customers to see your products in 3D in their own environment before they buy, helping to increase potential sales and reduce returns. It supports GLB and GLTF model files for viewing 3D models in the browser and in AR on Android devices, while USDZ files are used for viewing 3D models in AR on iOS. The plugin includes Gutenberg Blocks, Elementor Elements and WordPress Widgets, as well as a custom API to send and receive JSON data for your models. It also includes a QR Code display on the desktop view to allow users to easily switch to an AR-capable viewing device. The free version of this plugin is restricted to 1  model only. A premium subscription is available, offering features such as the ability to use unlimited 3D models, dynamically adjust settings, support for models with variants, and more​.

CartMagician Pro for WooCommerce AR

This plugin allows online products to be converted into AR using the CartMagician Platform. It provides powerful 2D to AR and 3D to AR conversion tools. The conversion process is quick, fully automated, and exports optimized AR-ready files to almost any website or ecommerce platform. This plugin allows customers to view products in AR in two ways on their mobile device: they can tap the 'View in AR' button displayed on the product page or the 'AR icon' featured on the main product feature image. CartMagician Pro also hosts AR content and connects to your website in seconds, providing a more convenient and engaging shopping experience​​.

It's important to note that for the best performance, your site needs to have an SSL certificate (https). If you don't have 3D models, there are several solutions available, such as downloading existing models from online libraries, creating your own models using your mobile phone or tablet's cameras, or commissioning a 3D model to be created​​.

Challenges to Consider
While AR offers several benefits, there are also challenges to consider. High-quality AR requires robust technical infrastructure and can be costly to implement. Not all customers will have the necessary technology to use AR, so it's essential to ensure your store remains accessible and functional for all users. Moreover, customer education may be required to help shoppers understand how to use AR features effectively.

Start Here

Augmented reality is revolutionizing the e-commerce industry by providing an immersive, interactive shopping experience. For WooCommerce store owners, integrating AR can enhance the customer experience, increase conversions, and provide a competitive advantage. As with any technology, it's essential to consider your business needs, budget, and customer base before implementation. With careful planning, AR can be a powerful tool to take your WooCommerce store to the next level.

Remember that technology and customer expectations are always evolving. Stay tuned to the latest trends, and continue to innovate and adapt your WooCommerce store to meet and exceed your customers' needs.

If you’re looking for an affordable high quality solution to implementing AR into your Woocommerce store, try CSCONNECT today!